
Saturday, June 10, 2006


Tuesday afternoon the Williams family packed all their belongings in a large truck, got in their cars, and left KC. Boo hoo! The night before they left Kelsey and I went to Build a Bear. She made a monkey, I made a rabbit. We named our custom made stuffed animals Keri, a combination of our two names. I spent the night at their house. It was hard to leave in the morning. Kelsey and I had shared a bed. When I was getting ready to go, the crying started. I eventually made it to my car, she came running out of the house in tears, sobbing one of those deep from the gut cries. It was soooooooo hard to leave! I miss them already, but I'm not saying "good-bye" I'm saying "hasta." What's the difference? Hasta is Spanish for later. I fully intend to see them again. Hasta...I will see you later, hopefully soon.

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