
Thursday, January 12, 2006

I bought a home!!!

In case you haven't heard, I am a homeowner. Yipeee!!! I have a mortgage, maintenance, and a tax write off! Isn't home ownership grand? Actually, I bought a condo - so, the maintenance is minimal. I pay monthly so somebody ELSE cleans gutters, rake leaves, shovels snow and does all that general dirty work that I don't seem to have time or a desire for. I became a homeowner Jan. 3, 2006. It was such a monumental day that I took a picture to commemorate the event.

Really it is move in ready, but I will be painting some this weekend. I also hope to have a wood (or wood laminate) floor installed before moving day. I have begun to pack already. Transition is fun! Moving day is Jan. 28. The very next day Premdas arrives from India via California. No down time for Sheri.

The pic includes my realtor, Todd, and the title company/bank rep.

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