
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Live Louder!!!

What's your New Year's resultion?

I have a good friend that adopted the motto: Live Loud! on New Year's a few years ago. Last year she modified it to Live Louder!

My motto for the past year was to make new memories. I successfully accomplished that with extensive travel and valuable time with friends and family. The thing I am most thankful for are the amazing, beautiful people in my life. They make life so much more enjoyable. I've decided that this year's motto is going to be Live Louder! I want to shed the things that hold me back; fear, uncertainty, excuses. I want to pursue the things that make life enjoyable - deep relationship with God and others, unforgettable experiences, reaching for things just slightly out of reach to see if I can get there. I am committing this year to fulfilling unfullfilled dreams.

In January, I am signing the closing documents and moving in to my own place. A place that I purchased and will pay for on my own. That is a milestone accomplishment for me. Also, Dr. Premdas is coming to KC from India. I have been in touch with him since returning in October. I have some meetings scheduled for him with local churches, community organizations, and individuals who will be interested in the work he does.

In March I will track down my biological father - David Stacy - as part of the adoption proceedings. That should prove to be an emotional journey, but a necessary part of the process.

In April I will return to New Mexico for the first time in over a year. I have a good friend from high school, DeAnn Sena who is getting married in Old Town Albuquerque that month.

In May, I hope to visit some old friends in California and Chicago.

In June, I hope to have the adoption proceedings finalized by this time.

In July, I am going on the 2nd Annual Girl's Adventure tour with a good friend from grad school. Last year we traveled the rocky mountains in Idaho, Yellowstone and the Grand Titon's. This year we will visit my home state of New Mexico and see places I have not seen - White Sands, Carlsbad Cavern's, etc. As well as places close to my heart, Bandelier and Santa Fe. Any girls interested in joining us? You're invited!! It should be fun. But I will warn you, we camp - like, really camp - sleeping bags on the ground in a tent, evenings by a campfire, no cell phone access, no alarm clocks, no schedule to keep. In fact, last year we just had a vague idea what direction we were going and big stops we wanted to see along the way. The rest we decided spontaneously as we drove along. It was an amazing trip - so unlike my daily life!!!

In August, I hope to begin a PhD program in Public Administration. I have almost completed the application process and should know in March if I'm accepted and a bit about my financial package. My little brother will also be getting married that month - prior to his 25th birthday.

September, I will turn 30. Yikes!!! I honestly feel older than that, but it is good to commemorate those events. I hope to throw myself a party.

I plan to spend the holidays of 2006 with my dear friends and family.

It will be another eventful year, full of new memories and I hope to live up to the motto of Live Louder!!! Not a bad resolution if you ask me, I'm confident it is one I can keep.

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