
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

coconut water

Back in the day when I used to travel to India a few times a year I was given coconuts to drink. In fact, we were given many coconuts in a day. I wasn't a fan of this gift then. Out of courtesy for their hospitality I would take a sip (or pretend to drink it) and then on my way out of the village I would hand it off to a woman or child to bless them since I knew they would enjoy it more than I.

My attitude about coconut water has changed. I don't know how. I don't know when. But sometime during our months in Cambodia I started to really enjoy this. It became a treat. If I received a fresh coconut in a village. I drank it up. Sometimes I'd even finish off someone elses because they felt the way I used to about coconut water.

On a recent visit to Massinga district in Mozambique I was noticing all the coconuts in palm trees. I said outloud to one of the staff that I like watching the guys climb the trees for coconuts - it is amazing. This was not stated as a request, but it was taken as one. I must watch what I say outloud. It wasn't long before he asked someone to climb a tree and get a coconut for me.
Chivalry is not dead. This kind gentleman was more than happy to climb a tree for me...and obviously also liked posing for pictures too.
His brother also climbed a nearby tree to get more coconuts. Watch him go! It truly is an amazing site.
Then a third brother helped hack them up with machettes. Look at the goat watching in the background.
My wish was granted.
My knight in barefeet even made a spoon out of coconut rind and scraped out the meat so I could eat it.

Maybe you are asking yourself how they get up those trees?
I noticed on this recent trip that at least part of the way they have carved in foot and hand holds. The rest is all skill.
Are you a fan of coconut water? I know my friend Teresa is and she has a very memorable experience from India as a result! Let me just say that too much coconut water can act as a diarrhetic. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. omg i love coconut water! i grew up drinking it and i miss fresh coconut water so much!
