I have memories as a kid going to the library to check out books and hear stories being read. I have memories in high school of going to the library to check out resource books. I have memories in college of using the library for internet access and all of the above. Having access to a library is an incredible luxury.
I have only seen one library since moving to Cambodia. This picture is of the sign outside. The library is housed in a small shop. The books are donated. It is funded by an NGO. It is staffed by national volunteers. Every time I have stopped by there are kids doing puzzles or playing with blocks. I love the idea.
If you have a library in your town, appreciate it for the gift that it is. Like me, do you have memories at a library?Imagine how your life would be different if something like a library didn't even exist. It is just one of the many luxuries I took for granted in my old life, but the perspective offered in my new life has helped me to appreciate such gifts.
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