
Monday, January 18, 2010

oven mits

I've mentioned before that ovens are unusual in Cambodia. When I meet people around town, one of the first things they ask about our place is, "do you have an oven?" We are lucky enough to have an oven. With our baking items I packed one of our oven mits - it was already well used, but I wasn't sure I could find one overseas and didn't think it was worth adding to the list of things to buy. So, in the box it went as is.

Our oven mit arrived here and I realized how worn it was. Disgusting really, but finding an oven mit replacement was impossible. Then I went to Bangkok with Lesley. There was a home store with bath mats that aren't made out of used scraps of fabric, the kind I was used to in America that are colorful and plush. There were decorative items like pillows and candles. It was in this store that I found an oven mit. I was so excited I asked Lesley to pose for a picture with my treasure.

It's crazy the things we took for granted at home and how accessible everything was to us. I just never realized until it wasn't available anymore. Convenience and accessibility are a privelege of the developed world. If you are lucky enough to have it, appreciate it.

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