
Monday, December 21, 2009

truly international organization

I work in Cambodia. In my office there are 51 national staff, which means they are from the Kingdom of Cambodia. We also have a couple living here who are originally from Brazil, but they have lived all over the world for the past 20 years. My boss and his family are from Australia. We have two interns, one from Australia and one from Britain. Lesley, who I share an office with and who lives in my apartment building, is also from Australia, but has lived all over the world for most of her life - most recently spending three years in Afghanistan. In the last couple of months, there was a couple from the US that arrived - she has lived in Africa and grew up in the Philippines. Last month a new staff member arrived who is from Ethiopia and worked in many countries around the world.

I've learned something interesting from working in such a diverse environment. What is that? Our faith and purpose unites us. I have always said, "the God I serve spans time, space, culture and geography." Now I am living it. Jesus isn't limited to the Western image we have created. When we are serving the living God, he unites us, despite differences.

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