
Monday, October 26, 2009

thermometer? anyone?

for over a week my husband had a terrible fever. He was sweating so much the bed was soaked, his clothes were soaked. He kept telling me he was fine, but day after day the fever continued. We didn't know how high his temperature was because we failed to pack a thermometer - didn't even cross my mind to bring something like that. No one in our building had a thermometer. Three days in I tried to find him a doctor, everyone from work and church recommended the same person - Dr. Marissa. Well, Dr. Marissa is obviously popular...and booked solid. by the fourth day his symptoms increased and he was getting worse. I had to find a doctor.

I feared the worst - could he have contracted Dengue or Typhoid fever? His symptoms were more like Typhoid, which is contageous, but we'd been vaccinated for that.

I found an International emergency health clinic in town, it is expensive, but the service is quality. Because of his fever we were quarantined in case he has H1N1 (swine flu). I was okay with the quarantine - I don't like being in emergency rooms with sick people, I feel like it is a cess pool of germs. It also got us on the rush list for examination. The doctor diagnosed kenyon with an intestinal bacteria infection. they prescribed a strong antibiotic and something to reduce the fever. By the first evening he was already feeling better.

The whole experience was quite an adventure, but these kinds of adventures I would rather avoid.

By the way, we now own a thermometer. I hunted one down at a local pharmacy.

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