
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I miss fall

Probably where you live it is fall season. My friends from the States are posting pictures of pumpkin patches, outdoor walks with trees full of color, and they are wearing long sleeve shirts and some are even wearing sweaters.

I live in the land of perpetual sun. Now some (my mom for instance) might think that is heaven. I'm sure when there are pictures of snow I might agree and there are plenty of days when it is wonderful to have the sun on your skin and not be miserably cold. However, there are also plenty of days when it is just exhausting to be hot and sweaty all day.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I find it calming to have the wind blow through the trees or incredibly relaxing to take a walk and crunch leaves under my feet. I can't do that here, I live in the tropics. Our seasons are hot and rainy or hot and dry. That's it. Two seasons - one with lots of water and one without.

This is my first year living overseas and right now I am missing fall.

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