
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

sex tourism

One of the sad realities of our world is that there are people out there who prey on children. children are vulnerable and should be protected, but when that protection isn't available to them, children can end up exploited.

It is hard to believe, but there are people out there who book travel for this purpose - exploitation. there are travel companies that specialize in sex tourism, which usually involves young boys and girls.

There are groups in Cambodia trying to combat this evil. There are signs everywhere like this one. I took this photo on the streets. the advertisement was on the back of a tuk-tuk. I've also seen it on billboards, t-shirts and bumper stickers with the same message.

Last week I was sent an article on the topic. It seems three American men are being charged with the crime Stateside as part of the crackdown on sex tourism.

there are people who believe these stories are exaggerated and the problem is overrated. What do you think? Does sex tourism exist? If so, how should it be stopped?

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