
Friday, August 28, 2009

Neglected Tropical Diseases

did you know that approximately 1 billion people each year are affected by diseases that are preventable or treatable?

here's the part that is most upsetting...these diseases disproportionately affect the poorest in our world. these diseases have been "cured" in our own country while we left others to suffer. these diseases are often known as neglected tropical diseases or NTD's.

prior to globalization it was probably an acceptable philosophy to take care of our own and leave other countries to fend for themselves. but, globalization is the reality we live in. what does that mean? it means the lines are blurred, borders are just arbitrary establishments. if there is anything that the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak taught us, it's that disease can cross borders quickly and have a devastating effect.

I am about to live in a part of the world where NTD's are rampant. there are some diseases I am deeply concerned about as they are VERY likely - dengue fever for instance. I will do what I can to protect myself and my family and pray for God to protect us where I cannot.

I am glad that NTD's are finally making the international political agenda. it is also good for my friends with leporsy in India, as that is on the list of NTD's. if you'd like to learn more, visit the World Health Organizations website by clicking here.

Why do you think these preventable and treatable diseases have been neglected? should we continue to neglect them, or is there something we should do to respond?

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