
Saturday, June 13, 2009

radio interview

earlier this week I was interviewed for a local radio program. they have a series called Go MAD (Make a Difference). I was asked to speak on behalf of our department. the interview was about 10 minutes long and they created 5 one-minute segments from the conversation. one of my team members told me she heard it on the radio on her way to work and started yelling Woo-hoo!

if you would like to hear the radio interviews you can check it out online at:

I think this the first time I was the subject of a radio interview. the morning we did this I had arrived around midnight from Ukraine, spent a few hours in a hotel and then left at 6 am from Charlotte for work. I was sick and feeling the jet lag like nobodies business. it is a very good thing this was a radio interview and not a TV interview!

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