
Friday, June 12, 2009

just read: your man is wonderful...

One day I was in a hotel room somewhere (honestly, I can't remember my location) and I heard an author talking about her new book. It was about building a lasting and loving marriage relationship. Kenyon and I have the best relationship I've ever been a part of, but I want to keep it strong for a lifetime so I'm always interested in learning how to do that.

the book is called - your man is wonderful: how to appreciate your partner, romance your differences and love the one you've got. You can read about it here. the author states:

Here's a secret about your man: He wants to please you. He wants to be your night in shining armor. He wants to see the smile on your face that tells him he's worthy. He wants to be your wonderful man.

I asked Kenyon, the man whose opinion matters in my life, if this statement was true of men. He said, "yes, absolutely." Really? I imagine every woman wants those things too.

So, what does Dr. Nelson recommend to build that kind of relationship? Appreciation, plain and simple. Sounds easy, but anyone whose been married for any amount of time knows it is not. I try not to nag, but I am certainly guilty of taking my husband's good deeds for granted. Since reading the book, I've been trying to be more appreciative of all the good Kenyon brings to my life.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants a strong, satisfying marriage relationship.

1 comment:

  1. There is a contest currently underway associated with this book called "Toad to Prince." For 35 days you do certain things to bring you and your spouse closer. It's been fun and I've seen good results! The link is
