
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Travel essentials: little black bag

On one of my many overseas flights the flight attendants handed out these little black bags. It included a toothbrush and small toothpaste, a travel comb, socks, earplugs, and an eye mask. I could have left it there when I deplaned, as many other travelers did, but instead I chose to take it with me. I'm glad I did because I have found it to be so useful!

I've added contents to the little black bag: chewing gum for the descent if my ears need to pop (or my breath is rank and I didn't get a chance to brush my teeth), my midnite pills, maybe a hair clip or something like that. I pack the bag in my carry-on and before I settle in to my seat and put my carry-on in the overhead bin, I pull the little black bag out. It fits nicely in the seat pocket in front of me and then I have everything I might need during the flight for some added comfort without having to get in to the overhead bin. In case you are wondering...I fly economy so some added comforts are welcome, especially as often as I fly!

What are the comfort items you pack in your carry-on?

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