
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


When you hear the word "missionary" what do you think?

Here is what I'm learning people think about missionaries:
  • they are out of touch with culture, trends and life
  • they are lazy
  • they impose themselves on others
  • they force their ideals, disregarding others opinions
  • they have a sense of entitlement because of their sacrifices

Why do missionaries have such a bad rep? Is it deserved?


  1. unfortunately I agree with most of those statements about missionaries. Do I think it is unfair Yes but where I live there are a lot of missionaries and those that I have met from the western world are like this. I have also met a lot of missionaries from other parts of the world and they are the most humble Godly people I know. They do not fit in to that type cast at all. Makes me thing huh what makes them so different? are they called differently? Do they have different training? or is just simply a difference in culture?

  2. You bring up an interesting point. If these things are true, are they only true of Western missionaries? I've met many South Korean missionaries in my travels and I find them to be completely different - sold out to the cause and willing to do whatever it takes to share God's love, whether it be giving up personal posessions or comforts.
