
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Marriage 101: the phone call

Yesterday it snowed (again). I had to be at work early and I took the blue ant. The blue ant is fuel efficient, but not exactly an all-terrain-four-wheel-drive-slick-road type of vehicle. I made it to work fine, but the snow did not stop through most of the day.

About 5 pm Kenyon called me at work to check on me and asked that I call when I leave since the roads might get bad since the sun was already down (Side note: why is it that in "daylight savings time" there seems to be a gross lack of daylight?Dark at 5pm, what is up with that?) I called on my walk to the parking lot and gave him my basic route and an alternate in case of slick roads.

When I hung up I realized something...marriage supplies a sense of security. When I was single I didn't live in a ground floor apartment or condo for fear of unwanted intruders; there were times after work that I would want to take a walk, but then I would think about the women attacked on the route and if I couldn't find a friend to walk with I didn't go; I had thoughts like, "if something happens to me, who would come looking for me?" You may read this and think I was paranoid or overly cautious. But, like it or not a single woman has to be careful because there are people who exploit vulnerability. I hadn't even thought of these things since being married. Had I not arrived home in a reasonable amount of time, I know Kenyon would have gone looking for me and not stopped until he found me. There is a sense of security in knowing that there is someone in the world concerned about my safety.

Just a little something I realized about marriage and thought I'd share.

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