
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

America: still more sexist than racist

So, it no surprise to me for all the reasons I've posted before that this is the outcome of the election. Early on in this ongoing election race the Washington Post had an article; Is America more sexist than racist? It was in regard to Hillary and Obama. This article documented throughout history that Americans will let a man of color break long held traditions before a women of any color - the right to own property belonged to men of color before women, the right to vote belonged to men of color before women (because they could own property), CEO jobs have gone to men of color before women were invited in, on and on throughout history, and now the presidency. We proved that twice in this election season. Obama triumphed over two white women.

And in case you don't think race and gender are a factor, I sat on an airplane next to a woman on my way to Ecuador on election day who felt comfortable enough to tell me she voted for McCain because of the color of his skin. I am not making this up, racism and sexism are alive and well in the USA. Oh, the stories I have now that I live in the south!! Maybe I'll start sharing some to document the state of our Union.

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