
Friday, February 15, 2008

The Valentine's elf lives on...

I may be in a new community and away from the one I spent nine years in where everything was so familiar. Though I'm still making friends and didn't even know where a flower shop was in my new town until yesterday - I kept my annual Valentine's elf rose delivery tradition. I knew five single ladies at work that I thought would appreciate a rose and being told they are special. Turns out, my hunch was right. Three of the five women got teary-eyed when I gave them their rose. All of them displayed them proudly on their desk and soaked up the attention it got them.

I was only sorry I couldn't deliver roses to the approximately 15 women I had in the past years. I called one of them to say, "Happy Valentine's Day!" She said that the day before V-day she started to get sad because she knew I wouldn't be coming by to deliver a flower to her. I received an email from a friend and former co-worker who knew I delivered flowers every year on this day to single women in her building. She took it on herself to give them a card because she wanted to make sure they were acknowledged on this day - so the Valentine's elf is still alive in KC even though I'm not there. Today, I got an email from one of the ladies. She said she really missed receiving her flower from me yesterday. The day just wasn't the same without it, she didn't even know how much she looked forward to it until it didn't happen. All these stories the good and bad encourage me to keep the Valentine's elf alive. Wherever I am in the world on Feb. 14, you can guarantee that I am acknowledging women and the special beauty they offer the world.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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