
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Finally, some good news...

I've tried not to be a complainer, but this move has been less than ideal. The house still hasn't sold. We are living in the smallest town I've ever lived in, and though it's pretty and I have a great job, I am very uncomfortable in a small town setting...I grow restless, fidgety and unhappy. We don't have heat in the house, we don't have TV, we are still working on finalizing a local bank account, etc, etc, etc...every place seems to charge a large activation fee or put up so many road blocks I just don't have the energy or time to deal with it. The worst was that things were not working out for Kenyon. I was convinced when we decided to move that this was a move for us, not just me. We tried to enroll him in school and were told we'd have to pay out of state tution, no exceptions. We can't afford out of state tuition on one salary, paying living expenses in two places and all bills for two people. He looked daily for work with no luck.

Well, we recently found out that the program Kenyon want to be in can be taken through continuing education and he can still get the professional license. We can afford continuing education fees, so he is officially enrolled in school. His class begins Jan. 7. Hallelujah! We needed something to work out.

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