
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Win some, lose some

Well, my Jayhawks were taken out of the competition and didn't make it to the final four. It was a good game and the loss hasn't diminished my interest in college basketball. I'll keep watching and I'll be cheering them on again next year.

Funkhouser, however, was the winner of a very close Mayoral election. This is now Funkytown (one of the songs he used in his campaign, the other was "We want the Funk, gotta have that Funk.") I do believe KC elected a man of integrity and commitment. He ran a clean campaign, never once bashing his opponent and his wife was his campaign manager (though she had no prior political experience). When asked about his choice of campaign manager, he said, "I chose the person who knows me best." He was also quoted as saying, "we ran a campaign based on authenticity." I can tell you that at campaign headquarters that word was posted on the walls and each person involved tried to live out that motto. I like a world where authenticity wins, I wish it happened more often.

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