
Monday, September 04, 2006

KC Royals baseball

An ex-coworker of mine had free tickets to attend a Royal's baseball game. (The team is so bad they have resorted to giving tickets away!) I figured for free tickets it was worth the effort. It was a beautiful day; some sun, a light breeze, low humidity. It was just nice to be outside. It was Kenyon's first Royal's game, ever, and he grew-up here. Surprisingly, the team won. They beat the White Sox. I think there were more Sox fans in the stadium than Royals fans. The first home run was hit by a Sox player, it seemed like the whole stadium was cheering. Kenyon said, "oh, we cheer for the other team?" I guess so, maybe we just cheer because something exciting actually happened. It was a good game and a great way to spend a lazy Sunday. Unfortunately, it was the only fun scheduled in my weekend. I spent all day Saturday studyings and the agenda item for Labor Day...more studying. Fun, fun, fun...

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