In the coming weeks, I will be re-posting some of my favorite posts from the past six years on this blog. Yes, I have had this blog for nearly SIX years! I have revisited some of these posts lately. It is interesting to me how much life has changed. For those who are new around here, it will give you a glimpse of the journey. I am calling this series "Encore." If you'd like, you can vote on your favorites.
Best of 2007
Here is one of the nominees from April 2007. Marriage was not the BIG dream growing in my heart. My dream was about living overseas. Serving in the developing world. Turning my passion in to my vocation. Accepting Kenyon's proposal of marriage was about having a companion to join me on the adventure.

Its official, he proposed. And I accepted. He actually asked me three times, once for every ring. It was awesome! I came in blindfolded, he had a whole set-up, including an audience. When the blindfold came off, I saw all the people who were there to celebrate with us. My mom, aunt Carmen and aunt Gloria flew in from New Mexico for the event. What a surprise that was! They were the first thing I saw when the blindfold was removed. When the proposal was complete, it was sealed with a prayer and blessing by the group and Pastor Jones (Kenyon calls him Dad). Everyone said it felt like a wedding (minus the actual license). I felt so loved by all of those in attendance, and especially by my man for all his hard work. I'm a lucky girl! I told you I'd let you know when it happened...well, it happened. Now on to the weddings (that's right, there will be more than one on two different continents) and receptions (that's right, there will be more than one of those, too). Let the celebrations begin!
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