
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sisters of Charity

I'm pretty sure anyone who reads this blog is familiar with the person Mother Theresa. We often hear about her work in Calcutta, India with some of the most needy on our planet. Did you know she was part of launching a global mission? There is a sisters of charity branch in our town near the airport.

Recently, Kenyon and our host Caroline went to visit. They took with them powdered milk for the babies. Kenyon played with the kids. The majority of these children have HIV or AIDS and their health is very poor. They have been discarded by society, but found a place at this children's home with the sisters.

Many of you have asked what Kenyon is up to while I am at work. This was just one of his activities. Today, he has a meeting with the head guy at a local mission hospital he is hoping to work with. Likely, he will begin as a volunteer if they believe they can use his skills. I pray they find a place for Kenyon as he would do really well in an environment like that - triage, patient care, medical emergency - especially given his training and prior volunteer experience in the States. I'll keep you posted, keep praying that doors open for him to discover his unique contribution to this work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheri,

    Great to hear of your work. I am coming to cambodia soon and wish to visit the Home of Peace outside Phnom Penh which is run by the sisters of charity. A friend of mine has a ward who has a brother living there. I have 2 questions you might be able to help with:

    1. Do you know the phone number of the Home of Peace in Cham Chao District? I cannot find the number anywhere and I have been told that I should ring beforehand.

    2. Any suggestions for what I should buy in PP to take to the sisters? My friend's ward who spent a few years living there suggested fresh fruit but this is probably just from a child's viewpoint. Any other suggestions?

