
Friday, November 07, 2008

You ask, I'll answer

How do you reconcile your commitment to help with poor with your conservative political views?

Well, though Democrats would like to have you believe otherwise - they do not corner the market on compassion. They are not the only people in the world who care about the poor and hurting in the world. Democrats certainly didn't come up with the idea of helping those in need, the value existed long before the Democratic party was even conceptualized.

My desire to help the poor and hurting in this world is an outgrowth of my relationship with Jesus. The Bible gives us a clear mandate:

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...

There are hundreds of other scriptures with a similar message. If you are a Christ follower, you have an obligation to care for the needs of those you encounter. The Bible isn't silent on issues affecting the environment, social justice, money management or world economies. The Bible addresses all of these issues and more. My world view is not based on a political platform, it is informed by my faith...political preferences included.

I think the difference between my beliefs and those of the Democratic party is that I think it is the church, not the government, who should be leading the way in helping those in need. Government has a role when the need is too great - like the Great Depression - but otherwise, neighbors should be helping neighbors. I also think that when the government takes over the responsibility individuals abdicate the responsibility - "why do I have to do that? that's what I pay my tax dollars for." Translation: it's someone else's responsibility to help the homeless, the single mother, the child with disabilities.

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