
Thursday, July 24, 2008


Today, I had an incredible day at work. It was a flurry of activity with positive things happening throughout the organization. My department began with a giant bang less than six years ago. It was so big that everyone is still talking about it. Foreign Affairs magazine noted that event as a turning point in the global response to AIDS. It was at the conclusion of that event that the late Jesse Helms committed to do something with his influence to respond to the global AIDS crisis. He later became the sponsor of more than one piece of legislation addressing the issue - including the most recently passed Senate bill reauthorizing the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). I expect a path of greatness with such stellar beginnings. But, that isn't really the path I observed when I took the job. Instead we had floundered over the years, had unbelievable turnover (Friday my Assistant has worked for the department for two-years; the longest anyone has worked for the department in history) - instead of a bang, we had become a whimper. I spent my first few months in the job asking - what happened to the spark? I've spent the last eight months trying to rekindle it. Based on the events of today, I can say - we have momentum! That excites me. We are poised to once again be leaders in the Christian response to HIV/AIDS. All of my staff left yesterday saying, "it's an exciting time to be here." I believe this is just the start of some amazing things for us. Hold on, we are going on a great adventure!

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