
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

20 seconds of joy

Friday and Saturday night Kenyon and I attended the Banff film festival at the local college. It was the biggest event I've been to in Boone - 1,700+ people in one place at one time. We watched movies on base jumping, kiteboarding, mountain biking and climbing. It was an overload of adventure films. My favorite is titled "24 solo." It is about a 24-hour mountain bike race. The bicyclist rides for 24 hours, round and round on the same course until time runs out. The man who won nearly died and spent the next week in the hospital. I was amazed at the
endurance of spirit in the athletes - no quitting whatever the cost.

There was also a movie about a base jumper who ends up getting hurt. She shattered her femur bone and in spite of the pain and years of physical therapy she said she would do it all over again for 20 seconds of joy.

I could easily be an adrenaline junky. I want a motorcycle (my husband bans me from having one), I have skydived a couple times and can't wait to do it again, I love adventure. I may take risks, but I view them as calculated risks after I've weighed the costs.

It led me to think, what is the craziest thing you've ever done for a thrill?

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