
Friday, September 02, 2011

Everyday Heroes: active father's

This summer I spent a lot of time outdoors. Many days in a week you could have found me exploring our new surroundings on foot...walking, walking, walking.  I think walking is a great way to learn a place.

I noticed something on my walk-abouts...there were lots of dads spending time with their kids. I saw dad's fishing, golfing, playing tennis or riding bikes. One of my favorites was a dad following his daughter around the lake in a kayak. She went through the tall grass intentionally.  He followed behind, trying to keep up.

Those dad's are creating a great foundation for their children to launch in to the world. They are creating a sense of safety and stability. They are fostering a sense of adventure...and of course modeling an active lifestyle.

Mom's get a lot of much deserved credit in raising kids. But, dad's are NOT insignificant. They play an important role too. I was glad to see so many active father's. I decided they deserve a nod of recognition because they are everyday heroes.

just Sheri, applauding from the side-lines (sometimes literally)

NOTE: The Everyday Heroes series is intended to draw attention to kindness. It's purpose is to share stories of normal people engaging in acts of kindness. Why? Because I believe kindness is what changes the world...father's giving their time and attention to their children is an act of kindness.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Dads definitely don't always get the recognition they deserve. What a great post! Thanks for reminding the rest of us to take notice of the kindness of others.
