
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Summit - born unique

Speaker: Honorable Cory A. Booker

"Don't let the world tell you who you are.  Don't let it lull and seduce you in to mediocrity. You were born unique."

He told a fabulous story about when he showed up, as a young Yale Law graduate, on the doorstep of a world-changer living in the projects in Jersey, he promptly informed her that he was there to "help her." She taught him to see the world differently.

World changers don't see the world the way others see it. World changers see hope, love, and the face of God - even in difficult, blighted circumstances. World changers engage in daily acts of kindness to make life better for others. World changers never let the world outside dim the knowledge that God created them for a purpose.

"The world you see outside is a reflection of what's inside you."

He left the audience with a challenge: are you living your life in a way that shares your truth?

I had to answer, "no, not currently." But, I am working on remedying that now that I am unstuck.

just Sheri, adjusting my view

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