
Friday, February 06, 2009

Who are you?

I receive weekly stats on my blog and each week the stats say more than 100 people visit...yet, I don't hear from that many on a regular basis through comments or email. So, I'm wondering...who are you? I'd like to get to know you. Please post a comment below letting me know your name and where you live (yes, that includes you mom). I look forward to meeting you (virtually).


  1. I guess I'll go first. I'm Aoife from the SP team to Lesotho :)

  2. My name is Edie Gonzales. I am your mother. I hope we get to know each other virtually, too. You are funny :)

    Love you,

  3. I forgot to tell you where I live...Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the same house you grew up in. Let's chat more often..hee hee


  4. I am your friend who doesn't get to see you any more. Fiona. Oh yeah I live in China it is a long long long way from where you live :(

  5. Hey Sheri,
    Its me, a.k.a. your cool friend Melysa from TX. I like your blog~

    (P.S. Ms. Anonymous is funny)
