
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Chirstmas Ornament Exchange party

When I lived in Kansas my friend Elaine held an ornament exchange party every year in December. She did this for a decade. Each year it grew bigger and bigger and bigger. After year 10 she stopped hosting the party. I loved the party. And I loved pulling out the ornaments each year and remembering the party. So, I decided to host one in our new town.

For those of you who are asking, "what is an ornament exchange party?" Let me explain. First, invite some friends. New friends are ALWAYS welcome.

Second, each person brings a wrapped ornament for the exchange. Numbers matching the number of people in attendance are put in a bowl and drawn to determine gift selection order. Then presents are opened.

This one was a hit...and I am told made it's way back to the nation of Liberia as a souvenir. 

My student, and now my friend Vy, was also present. She met her learning goals so I am no longer her tutor, but we agreed to stay friends.

 This was the night I became discontent with our little apartment. Why? I had to severely limit the guest list beyond what I wanted to...and we still didn't have space or seats for those who came. Notice the large number of folks sitting on the floor. I plan to remedy that problem in the near future...more on that soon.

just Sheri, (re)establishing traditions

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